Update an existing website.


PUT /v1/websites/{websiteId}

You can specify any properties you wish to update, and omit the rest.

  "website": {
    "homeUrl": "<https://fake-university.com/>",
    "name": "Fake University",
    "maxPages": 100,
    "maxDocuments": 100
  "options": {
    "website.benchmarkId": "fortune-500-usa",
    "website.benchmarkPercentile": 90
  "schedule": {
    "scheduleInterval": "day",
    "schedulePeriod": 5,
    "scheduleFromDate": 1704058162,
    "schedulePreset": "",
    "isActive": true
  "tagIds": [

**name string**

Name for the website.

**homeUrl string**

Homepage URL for the website.

**maxPages integer**

The maximum number of pages this website can use.

**maxDocuments integer**

The maximum number of documents this website can use.

**options object**

An object containing the options for the website.